
Running naked along the internet

Recovery update

As you can tell I am not the most constant blogger. But I feel that it is important to update on my recovery from th heart attack. 

I was in hospital for around 5 days. I was given advice to take it easy, slow gentle walks and other dietary advice. Also enough medicine to keep a pharmacy in business. But I was going home and that was the best part. 

I could not handle the two dogs, so I took Twiglet and swapped her for the boys. She still needed walking and that kept me going. Of course, I could lift nothing, even lifting her was a struggle. And I had to get the kids to fill the stove every evening for me. 

Karen did cook me meals which for the first few days was a great help. I cannot say how much I appreciated that. But I was keen to get back into my own routine so started doing the odd bit. 

Exercise was the one thing that I wanted to get back to. I knew I had made enough of a change to my diet and lifestyle for the exercise to work. So after a while, it was slow walks with the two dogs around the local roads, around 2.4km. I have not pushed it, though I now do the odd 5km walk. 

And a friend, thanks Tom, lent me a Cross Trainer. This is mainly for when the weather is bad enough to stop me going walking. But I have started to use it most days anyway. Started off at 5 minutes and now up to 20 minutes. 

I was back to the hospital early December for a checkup. Every was fine and the weight loss continued, even though I felt I had put weight on, must be muscle. They were happy enough to say that I didn’t have to return until the following year for a medicine review. 

I continue to do the walking, the kneesdont allow me to run, though I may ring the knee consultant and see if he will prescrip an off loader knee brace for the left knee. I have signed up to do a Run A Muck challenge in March and I continue to train for the half marathon for Temple Street. 

I will try and update this a lot more

December 21, 2016 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment