
Running naked along the internet

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Due to severe arthritis in both knees my weight has been an issue for the last few years, well I won’t only put it down to my knees, my marriage broke up, I lost a job I loved and just well over eating

Recently I managed to get some part time work which has reinvigorated me. I have gone back to driving, delivering Mussels and Oysters to Dublin once a week. Whilst it does take it’s toll on me, my knees are usually extremely stiff afterwards, i enjoy the social aspect of the work and whilst I deliver to the same places most weeks, no two days are ever the same. 

So I decided to pull the finger out and look at getting some kind of fitness back. Until my 20’s I would have been fairly active and even when I worked with the police in London I did maintain a good fitness level. 

I am not expecting to get back to the level that I had then but anything is an improvement. I had started to walk, mainly a 2km walk with the dogs using my phone but I found that either I was constantly checking the phone or having texts or calls to pester me. 

I know I could have put it into silent mode but that would not have worked, half way round I would be checking it so I looked at various sports watches. My initial thought was to get a Fitbit device, but I was also looking at the TomTom Spark. So my old friend eBay came through with a new watch for half price. 

Since I purchased the watch, I have walked every day, bar a few when I had a serious sickness. Initially I started at just doing around the block as I call it and then progressed to the High Road which is a 3.4km journey and now I am doing 4.3km. 

I have been doing it with Bowie and Oreo but I think it is a little too much for them, so it maybe a case of two walks a day, one around the block (2km) with them and the longer walk alone

I will endeavour to do a review of my TomTom Spark in the near future and hopefully do a monthly report on my progress. I am also seeing the consultant in early September so I am going to be pushin for a knee replacement on one knee asap 

August 28, 2016 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment